The First Newsletter! | Re-fashionable

Beste modekoning(in),

How to make the fashion industry more sustainable? This is a quest that many of us, being designers, producers, retailers, policy makers ot simple consumers, have been pursuing during this century (and even earlier). The Re-fashionable project aims to transform the fashion industry towards more sustainable practices. This initiative seeks to leverage digital tools and collaborative efforts to make significant strides in reducing waste and enhancing sustainability across the fashion industry.

Your involvement is crucial
and now we have some news to share with you!

Highlights and recent project events:

In order to develop the specifications of the platform and contents of Re-fashionable E-learning course, each partner organised focus groups with key stakeholders, which resulted in valuable information for the partnership, but also planted the seeds of exchange of ideas and concerns among the participants.



The „Re-fashionable” Digital Platform

In order to promote sustainable practices among target groups, the Re-fashionable digital platform is being designed to include collaborative project spaces, a marketplace for sustainable goods and services, and plenty of networking opportunities through an extensive and filtered contact list. It also features an educational section providing not just the Green thread e-learning course, but also extensive resources on sustainability in fashion, making the Re-fashionable Platform a comprehensive tool for real-time community collaboration and innovation.


Stay tuned for the upcoming launch of the "Re-fashionable" Platform this autumn 2024.

We cordially encourage you to explore its many aspects and become a part of the sustainable fashion community!


The Green Thread: our e-learning course on sustainable fashion

The development of the course is already advanced and in autumn it will be available on our Digital Platform. More details on the course will come in our next newsletter. You can get a hint of the themes that we are developing by having a look at our blog section on the Re-fashionable website.


Would you like to know more about the psychological drivers of fashion or how to move towards sustainable fashion industry practices in the European market? Please visit our dedicated blogsectie on the Re-fashionable webpage. 


Who are behind the implementation of the Re-fashionable project?

  • Blue Room Innovation (Spain)
  • IDEC (Greece)
  • Learning Hub Friesland (The Netherlands)
  • Machiavelli Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "N. Machiavelli" - Lucca (Italy)
  • Egyesület a Kreatív Oktatásért (EKO) (Hungary)
  • Qstura (Spain)


Please visit our website, and follow us on social media (Instagram and Facebook) and don't miss our latest content.


Project Number: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000155130

Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie. De hier geuite ideeën en meningen komen echter uitsluitend voor rekening van de auteur(s) en geven niet noodzakelijkerwijs die van de Europese Unie of het Europese Uitvoerende Agentschap onderwijs en cultuur (EACEA) weer. Noch de Europese Unie, noch het EACEA kan ervoor aansprakelijk worden gesteld.


Project ID: KA220-VET-5F9081FC

Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie. De hier geuite ideeën en meningen komen echter uitsluitend voor rekening van de auteur(s) en geven niet noodzakelijkerwijs die van de Europese Unie of het Europese Uitvoerende Agentschap onderwijs en cultuur (EACEA) weer. Noch de Europese Unie, noch het EACEA kan ervoor aansprakelijk worden gesteld.
Ons project verbindt het beroepsonderwijs (MBO) met de Europese mode-industrie door duurzame werkwijzen. Dit gebeurt via netwerken, onderwijs en samenwerking. Het project helpt milieudoelen te bereiken door duurzaamheid te promoten en het beroepsonderwijs aan te passen aan de veranderende markt. Zo dragen we bij aan een groenere en verantwoorde mode-industrie.