Empowering the
Fashion Industry through Sustainable Collaboration
Aligning Fashion & VET for Sustainable Innovation
The Re-fashionable project is committed to transforming the fashion industry by fostering the development of essential tools, skills, and networking opportunities. Our mission supports the European Commission's strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, aligning with the Green Deal to position Europe as the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. By implementing project activities, such as a community platform for fashion professionals, an informative e-learning course on sustainable fashion, and a practical Summer Lab, we aim to significantly contribute to the European Commission's goals, enhancing sustainable practices within the fashion industry and promoting a circular economy, all while ensuring sustainable growth and encouraging education!

The Re-fashionable Project Parnters
The Re-Fashionable project promotes the joint action of 6 organisations (non-profit, business, education institutions) across 5 European countries (Spain, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Netherlands), who will carry out a cross-disciplinary process, leading to the production of innovative digital tools and learning materials, targeting fashion agents and fashion school communities with various needs regarding the implementation of Sustainability in Fashion.
The "Re-fashionable" Results
Collaborative Digital Platform
A digital space for VET trainers, fashion companies, professionals, and environmental organizations to collaborate, exchange ideas, build projects, and learn from each other.
Innovative Course
A tailored e-learning course for fashion industry professionals, providing essential knowledge on fashion sustainability, environmental and social criteria, sustainable technoklogy in fashion, and much more.
Summer Lab
An in-person event where project target groups can interact, conceptualize opportunities, and explore new media in the context of sustainability.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.